For information about contraception, pregnancy options and sexual health in Victoria
Photo of an Australian dirt road and gum tree
Posted July 05, 2024 |Category: access, sexual health, health rights

Living in regional or remote parts of Australia adds another layer of complexity for patients accessing healthcare. In today’s blog post, guest contributor Dr Maddie discuss ways that people from rural communities can protect their health.

Photo of a pair of hands on a notebook with a pen
Posted May 03, 2024 |Category: pregnancy options
It can be hard to find an independent, pro-choice Pregnancy Options Counsellor. Join us as we talk to Patricia Hayes, co-founder of Melbourne Pregnancy Counsellors!
Photo of a pharmacist in front of shelves of medication
Posted March 22, 2024 |Category: abortion, health rights
While medication abortion can be a convenient option to end an early pregnancy, you will need a script and a few tests before you can get this medication. We walk through some of the main steps in getting a medication abortion here.
Photo of two people holding hands and a condom
Posted January 15, 2024 |Category: health rights, relationships, contraception
Stealthing is a form of sexual assault and is now a crime under Victorian law. So, what exactly does 'stealthing' look like?
Photo of a pair of hands holding a pregnancy test and a phone, open on a calendar app
Posted October 23, 2023 |Category: sex education, contraception

Period tracking apps super popular, as they can help us track our cycles and know more about their bodies. However, are these apps a good way to prevent pregnancy?

Photo of a calendar and hand holding a pill packet on a pink background
Posted July 20, 2023 |Category: contraception
You might have heard some myths about how skipping periods is ‘unsafe’ or ‘unnatural’. These myths are untrue – regulating your bleeding with contraception is extremely safe and common!
Photo of a woman holding her nose
Posted April 18, 2023 |Category: sexual health
To put it plainly: all vaginas smell. Whilst it’s categorically untrue that vaginas with no smell exist, it’s also true that some smells can represent infection or other concerns (in which case, a trip to the GP’s office is in order). Guest contributor Dr Madeleine explains how to know difference.
Photo of a model uterus on a yellow background with medications surrounding
Posted March 10, 2023 |Category: sexual health
If you have a uterus or know someone who does, you may have heard of PCOS, endometriosis - or both! But what are they, and are they any different? Let’s break it down.
Image split diagonally in half, one side shows a hand holding a blister pack with 2 pills, the other shows a larger empty blister pack
Posted January 31, 2023 |Category: contraception, abortion
Emergency contraception and medical (medication) abortion are often confused, with many people thinking that emergency contraception is the same as an early medical abortion. So, what's the difference?
Photo of a person facing away with a trans flag over their shoulders
Posted November 22, 2022 |Category: LGBTQIA+, abortion
Guest writer Felix Saturn explores how abortion services can implement trans-inclusivity.
Photo of a speculum and swab brushes on a blue background
Posted October 17, 2022 |Category: sexual health
CSTs - we know we need to get them every 5 years. But what does the test actually look for? And what does it mean if you have an ‘positive’ result?
Photo of a single pill packet on a purple background
Posted September 16, 2022 |Category: contraception
You may have heard the term Plan B on social media or in films or tv, but do you know what it is? Read on to find out!
Photo of a person in a black smock holding a sign that says "My Body My Choice"
Posted August 09, 2022 |Category: abortion, health rights, access
Pro-choice is a term used widely in debates around abortion care, but what does it actually mean?
Photo of various contraceptive devices on a pink background
Posted June 27, 2022 |Category: contraception, sexual health
Contraception can be used for many reasons, from preventing unwanted pregnancy, to managing menstrual cycles and various health conditions. Look through 5 of the most common reasons here.
Scientist in lab coat holding a petri dish of chlamydia
Posted May 30, 2022 |Category: sexual health
Everything you need to know about the most common STI in the world!
Photo of pills on a yellow background
Posted April 19, 2022 |Category: abortion
Guest contributor Dr Madeleine explains how exactly a medication abortion works, and addresses some common questions people have about them.
Illustration of 3 bacteria on a light green background with white dots
Posted March 21, 2022 |Category: sexual health
1 in 6 Australians will have an STI at some point in their lives! Guest contributor Dr Madeleine myth-busts the top 5 most common misconceptions about STIs in our latest blog.
photo of a gloved hand holding a red IUD
Posted February 15, 2022 |Category: contraception
Ever wonder if getting an IUD will hurt, be embarassing or worth it? 4 people share their IUD experiences!
Photo of a person's hands holding an orange medication container and using their phone
Posted January 18, 2022 |Category: sexual health
While most STIs are curable - ALL STIs are treatable! Find out what this means here...
Photo of tampons, phone calendar, and pills emerging from a toiletries bag on a pink background
Posted December 20, 2021 |Category: contraception
Dr Madeleine joins us again to chat about how contraception affects your period.
International Students
Posted November 15, 2021 |Category: multicultural health, sexual health, health rights
International students have a lot of things to think about before studying abroad. These are some of the things I wish I knew before I became an international student, myself.
Photo of a hand holding a positive pregnancy test on a pink background
Posted September 28, 2021 |Category: abortion
Our guest contributor, Dr Madeleine, shares her thoughts on this common anxiety.
Photo of a woman in a thoughtful pose on a blue background
Posted August 24, 2021 |Category: contraception
Weight gain, bleeding and mood swings...can contraception really cause these side effects, and how likely are they?
Photo of a clear plastic speculum
Posted July 19, 2021 |Category:
Since 2017, the Pap smear has been replaced by a HPV or Cervical Screening Test (CST). So, what's the difference?
Photograph of a couple kissing in a bed holding a condom
Posted June 30, 2021 |Category: sexual health
STIs such as chlamydia and syphilis are on the rise! So how do STIs get spread?
Photograph of a paper heart with the trans flag colours: pink, white and blue on a pale blue background
Posted June 08, 2021 |Category: LGBTQIA+
4 trans and gender diverse people share with us what they wished their health professionals knew.
Piggy bank
Posted May 04, 2021 |Category: abortion, access, cost
How much does an abortion cost? How come the price varies so much? Where can I find an affordable abortion service? Find out in this week's blog post.
Posted April 06, 2021 |Category: contraception
Contraceptive failure is one of the biggest causes of unplanned pregnancy. So what causes contraception to fail, and what can we do about it?
Photo of protesters
Posted June 05, 2024 |Category: access, health rights, disability
How can your income, visa status, disability status, marriage status, location, race, gender and sexual orientation affect your sexual and reproductive health, and the “choices” you make? This blog we're talking Reproductive Justice. 
Photo of glass vial and text saying 'Syphilis'
Posted April 12, 2024 |Category: sexual health, sex education
Once referred to as the “infinite malady” by Shakespeare, syphilis rates are on the increase. Guest contributor Dr Maddie walks us through this infamous STI.
Photo of a uterus diagram, speculum, vaginal swabs and a menstrual cup on a blue background
Posted February 15, 2024 |Category: sexual health
Whilst most people with a cervix are generally familiar with cervical screening, there are still lots of myths floating around about cervical screening tests! Let's take a look at the facts around this vital health screening test.
Photo of girl with braces sitting cross legged with a laptop
Posted December 08, 2023 |Category: young people, sexual health
If you are a young person and you are having sex, it is important that you know your health rights and the law.
Photo of four medical professionals
Posted August 04, 2023 |Category: health professional, health rights, sexual health
Different health professionals provide different sexual and reproductive health services. Find out what GPs, nurses, specialists, pharmacies can do!
Photo of a woman carrying a suitcase and holding a passport on a red background
Posted May 30, 2023 |Category: health rights, abortion, sexual health
Australians love going overseas - the fun and adventure! Often, the last thing we want to worry about while travelling is our sexual and reproductive health. Find out how you can fully prepare yourself for a trip abroad.
Photo of scrabble tiles spelling 'vasectomy' with a pair of scissors
Posted March 24, 2023 |Category: contraception
Vasectomy is currently one of the only contraceptive options for men and people with penises. Let’s get the facts on this straightforward procedure!
Photo of hands holding a red ribbon, condom and pill packet on a wooden background
Posted February 20, 2023 |Category: sexual health, LGBTQIA+
Last year we marked 40 years since the first HIV diagnosis and the start of the HIV pandemic. In this blog, we'll outline some of the key terms in the management and prevention of HIV.
photo of wooden blocks on table spelling "New Year Resolutions" next to a coffee mug
Posted January 10, 2023 |Category: sexual health
Lean into the ‘new year, new you’ mantra and explore how you can prioritise your sexual and reproductive health this year!
Photo of a scared woman in bed under sheets
Posted November 02, 2022 |Category: relationships, sexual health
Here at 1800 My Options, we aim to promote healthy and supportive relationships which make you feel safe and fulfilled, and that includes in the bedroom. Read on for some red flags which should prompt at least a discussion with your partner(s) about why their behaviour isn’t okay, and advice on how to approach the chat.
Photo of contraception methods and a world globe
Posted September 26, 2022 |Category: contraception, access
Today, we are marking World Contraception Day. Read more on the history of World Contraception Day, why contraception is so important and what still needs to be done!
Photo of a pharmacist being handed a script
Posted August 22, 2022 |Category: contraception, access
Which contraception methods need a script from a doctor? Which ones need a professional to insert for you? Which ones can you get at the supermarket? In this blog, we discuss WHERE you can buy contraception in Victoria.
Photo of wooden letter tiles spelling "Consent"
Posted July 11, 2022 |Category: sex education, health rights
Often, consent education just teaches “make sure there’s consent,” or “No means no,” without any information on what that looks like. That’s why we think it’s important to talk about what affirmative consent means!
Photo of woman holding a pad and a menstrual cup on a pink background
Posted June 14, 2022 |Category: sexual health, sex education
What are period products? What are all the options? Which ones will suit me best? Join us as we discuss pros and cons for all the most popular period products available now!
Photo of a hand reaching into a glass bowl with small paper slips, in front of a red background
Posted May 17, 2022 |Category: abortion, access
Can where you live affect the healthcare you get? Read more to find out more about how the postcode lottery affects abortion services.
Woman with an awkward expression standing on a purple backdrop
Posted April 04, 2022 |Category: sexual health, relationships
Openly discussing STIs is not something we are taught to do, but it’s an important part of caring for ourselves and others! So what's the best way to go about telling people if you have an STI?
Photo of Victorian state parliament building
Posted March 04, 2022 |Category: abortion
This Women's History Month, take a look at some of the major milestones in bringing about accessible and safe abortions for Victorians.
Photo of a tube of lube on an aquamarine background.
Posted January 31, 2022 |Category: sexual health
Guest contributor Dr Madeleine explains why lube might be a great addition to your next sexual experience.
Photo of a doctor holding a stethoscope on a yellow background
Posted January 05, 2022 |Category: health rights
Dr Madeleine breaks down what is - and ISN'T - okay behaviour to expect in different health appointments.
photo of white letters on a wooden background stating "Sex Ed"
Posted December 06, 2021 |Category: sex education
One of our team members reflects on what sex ed was like, and what she's learnt since.
Photo of a tan hand writing in a diary
Posted October 28, 2021 |Category: general
Does leaving lockdown feel a bit weird? Need a transitional activities? Try these 10 activity ideas loosely related to all things sexual and reproductive health!
Photo of a blood test with the label STI test
Posted September 20, 2021 |Category: sexual health
Getting a sexual health test can seem a bit awkward - but knowing what to expect can help!
Photo of a woman in pink scrubs with her arms in the air, smiling
Posted August 01, 2021 |Category: sexual health, health professional
One sexual health nurse reveals why she can't get enough of her job - talking all things STIs, safety and fun!
Photograph of five people with their arms around each others' backs
Posted June 30, 2021 |Category: abortion
1 in 4 women will have an abortion in their lives - so odds are, you'll need to support someone having an abortion someday! Here's a few tips on how to do it.
Photo of an infant being breastfed
Posted June 21, 2021 |Category: contraception
If you've just had a baby, having another one immediately is probably not a priority! So what's the deal with breastfeeding and contraception?
Photo of 2 implants across a pink and green background
Posted May 24, 2021 |Category: contraception
One of our workers gets a Contraceptive Implant inserted - and shares all!
Abortion Laws
Posted April 08, 2021 |Category: abortion, health rights
Abortion is a safe and legal medical procedure in Victoria. So what exactly does that mean?
Posted April 06, 2021 |Category: health rights, young people, cost
Explaining the green card and what you can do with it.