For information about contraception, pregnancy options and sexual health in Victoria
Photo of an Australian dirt road and gum tree

Accessing Healthcare as a Rural Australian

Living in regional or remote parts of Australia adds another layer of complexity for patients accessing healthcare. In today’s blog post, guest contributor Dr Maddie discuss ways that people from rural communities can protect their health.

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on 05 Jul 2024 6:28 AM
Photo of glass vial and text saying 'Syphilis'

Is syphilis still around today?

Once referred to as the “infinite malady” by Shakespeare, syphilis rates are on the increase. Guest contributor Dr Maddie walks us through this infamous STI.
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on 12 Apr 2024 5:08 AM
Photo of a uterus diagram, speculum, vaginal swabs and a menstrual cup on a blue background

5 Cervical Screening Myths

Whilst most people with a cervix are generally familiar with cervical screening, there are still lots of myths floating around about cervical screening tests! Let's take a look at the facts around this vital health screening test.
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on 15 Feb 2024 8:04 AM
Photo of girl with braces sitting cross legged with a laptop

Am I old enough for sexual and reproductive healthcare?

If you are a young person and you are having sex, it is important that you know your health rights and the law.
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on 08 Dec 2023 6:31 AM
Photo of four medical professionals

GPs, nurses, pharmacists…who do I see for what?

Different health professionals provide different sexual and reproductive health services. Find out what GPs, nurses, specialists, pharmacies can do!
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on 04 Aug 2023 5:41 AM
Photo of a woman carrying a suitcase and holding a passport on a red background

Sex and international travel: What you need to know

Australians love going overseas - the fun and adventure! Often, the last thing we want to worry about while travelling is our sexual and reproductive health. Find out how you can fully prepare yourself for a trip abroad.
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on 30 May 2023 5:38 AM
Photo of a woman holding her nose

Why does my vagina smell?

To put it plainly: all vaginas smell. Whilst it’s categorically untrue that vaginas with no smell exist, it’s also true that some smells can represent infection or other concerns (in which case, a trip to the GP’s office is in order). Guest contributor Dr Madeleine explains how to know difference.
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on 18 Apr 2023 5:46 AM
Photo of a model uterus on a yellow background with medications surrounding

PCOS vs Endometriosis - What’s the Difference?

If you have a uterus or know someone who does, you may have heard of PCOS, endometriosis - or both! But what are they, and are they any different? Let’s break it down.
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on 10 Mar 2023 1:47 AM
Photo of hands holding a red ribbon, condom and pill packet on a wooden background

HIV – Prevention and Management

Last year we marked 40 years since the first HIV diagnosis and the start of the HIV pandemic. In this blog, we'll outline some of the key terms in the management and prevention of HIV.
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on 20 Feb 2023 2:39 AM
photo of wooden blocks on table spelling "New Year Resolutions" next to a coffee mug

5 ways to prioritise your sexual health this year

Lean into the ‘new year, new you’ mantra and explore how you can prioritise your sexual and reproductive health this year!
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on 10 Jan 2023 3:13 AM