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Pregnancy Options

Unplanned pregnancies are very common. In fact, around 50% of all pregnancies in Australia are unplanned.

If you live in Victoria and have an unplanned pregnancy, you can choose to either:

If you think you are pregnant, you will need to have some tests to confirm the pregnancy and the gestation (gestation means how many weeks pregnant you are).

Tests to confirm a pregnancy include a pregnancy urine test (available from pharmacies, supermarkets or at the GP), a blood test and an ultrasound scan.

An ultrasound scan will tell you how many weeks pregnant you are and if there are any complications with the pregnancy (eg an ectopic pregnancy where the embryo is located in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus).

It’s best if you have these tests done as soon as possible to give you time to make arrangements for either an abortion, pregnancy and birthing care, or alternative parenting care.

You will need to see a GP to get a referral for a blood test and ultrasound scan.  If you choose to have an abortion, some private abortion care services can also provide these tests.

If you are undecided whether to continue or end a pregnancy, a Pregnancy Options Counsellor can help you with your decision making.

1800 My Options can help you find a service. Call us on 1800 696 784  (weekdays 9am – 5pm).

How do I know how many weeks pregnant I am?

The length (gestation) of a pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period, not the date of when you think you had sex and conceived. However, as many people are often unsure of the date of their last period , it is not always possible to use this as a guide.

If you think you are pregnant, you will need to have some tests to confirm the gestation. Tests include a pregnancy urine test (available from pharmacies, supermarkets or at the GP), a blood test and an ultrasound scan.

If you know the date of your last period you can use this calculator to find out how many weeks pregnant you may be.

Gestation Calendar

Date Last Period:
Estimated Gestation Now:
Results show here