Permanent Contraception
These contraception methods last forever, and require minor surgeries. They cannot be easily reversed.

99.5% effective
Vasectomy, sometimes known as ‘the snip’, is a safe, permanent method of contraception.
It is a simple surgical procedure that closes off the sperm-carrying tubes in the scrotum.
It can be done under local or general anaesthetic, and takes less than 30 minutes.
After the procedure, your semen gradually becomes free of sperm.
Your sex drive, production of sex hormones and ability to reach orgasm is not affected.
Vasectomies can sometimes be reversed, but not always successfully.
You can get a vasectomy done by a specialist in a vasectomy clinic, in a hospital as day surgery, or sometimes in a GP clinic. You do not always need a referral from a doctor.
More information:
Better Health Channel Sexual Health Victoria
Tubal Ligation

99.5% effective
Also known as tubal sterilisation or ‘having your tubes tied’, this is a permanent method of contraception. Using keyhole surgery, clips are put on your fallopian tubes to block the sperm and egg from meeting. In some instances, the fallopian tubes are removed rather than clipped.
Tubal ligation does not affect your periods, cause menopause or affect your sex drive or enjoyment of sex.
Tubal ligation can sometimes be reversed, but not always successfully.
You can get a tubal ligation done by a specialist gynaecologist in a hospital as day surgery. You will need a referral from your doctor.
More information:
Better Health Channel Sexual Health Victoria