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1800 696 784
1800 696 784

National Relay Service
Interpreter: 13 14 50
Open 9am-5pm Mon to Fri (closed public holidays)

[email protected]
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想了解有关避孕、可选的妊娠方式或 性健康等方面的信息吗?


我们立足于维多利亚州,运营独立的电话热线及网 站。我们提供免费及保密的服务,对用户不做任何评 判。我们也相信女性有权利选择继续怀孕或堕胎。 我们的电话线路均由女性接听。我们的口译员也均 为女性。如果您有要求,我们也会尽力为您寻找女 医生。




我们的接线员可以与您讨论您的生殖和性健康需 求,并为您查找适合您的服务。


我们还有维多利亚州性健康和生殖健康服务的在 线数据库,您可以通过我们的网站进行搜索。


我们与维多利亚州数百家服务机构(包括 GP(全 科医生)、社区卫生中心、医院和药房)合作— —以寻找最能满足您需求的服务。 我们提供的信息均基于以当前专家研究成果为本 的最新实证。


1800 My Options 网站让您可以自行安排时间搜 索各种服务。您可以搜索诸如避孕和堕胎服务机 构、非定向妊娠选择咨询和药房等服务。


说明资料 (Fact Sheets)


1800 My Options是一家Women’s Health Victoria(维多利亚州 女性健康协会)所属服务机构,由维多利亚州政府提供资助。

English translation

Are you looking for information about contraception, unplanned pregnancy options or sexual health?

Who we are
We are an independent phone line and website based in Victoria. Our service is confidential, free, non-judgemental and pro-choice. Our phone line is staffed by women. If you prefer, we can always try to link you with female health workers.

We provide:

We do not provide medical, legal or financial advice or counselling.

How we can help
Our phone workers can speak to you about your reproductive and sexual health needs, and find services that suit you.
Questions we are commonly asked include:

We also have an online database of sexual and reproductive health services in Victoria that you can search via our website.

Our Expertise
We work in partnership with hundreds of services across Victoria (including GPs, community health centres, hospitals and pharmacies) – to find the services that best meet your needs. The information we provide is based on the most up-to-date evidence.

Searching is easy
The 1800 My Options website lets you search for services in your own time. You can search for
services such as contraception and abortion providers, non-directive pregnancy options counsellors and pharmacies.

Contact us:
Phone: 1800 696 784

Email: [email protected]

1800 My Options is a service of Women’s Health Victoria, funded by the Victorian Government.