Become an MTOP provider
Unplanned pregnancies are incredibly common, with up to half of all Australian pregnancies unplanned. By providing medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) services, GPs and other specialists can provide women and others living in their community better access to abortion.
Since 2012, GPs and obstetricians and gynaecologists have been able to prescribe medication abortion pills to patients through their practice. In Australia, the medications are marketed as MS 2-Step, and is listed on the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Schemes (PBS). Registered GPs who provide medical abortion are considered ‘non-procedural’ by medical insurers but are advised to confirm this with their insurance providers.
About medication abortions
Medication abortions are available to end pregnancies less than nine weeks gestation (up to 63 days LMP). Medication abortions, or MS-2 Step, contain mifepristone – which stops the pregnancy from developing, and misoprostol – which causes cervical softening and uterine contractions, passing the products of conception.
Mifepristone has been used worldwide by millions of women since the 1980s. A large Australian observational study of over 11,000 women who had a medication abortion found that nearly 80% would use it again, and over 90% would recommend it to a friend. This reflects international trends, where studies in Scotland, the US, Sweden, Norway and Finland have found that the large majority of women who chose an abortion through medication found it acceptable.
View the Royal Women’s Hospital Clinical Practice Guidelines: Abortion Medical Management to 9 weeks of Pregnancy
Providing Medical Terminations of Pregnancy
From 1 August 2023, restrictions to MS-2Step provision have been lifted.
The changes mean that:
- GPs are no longer required to have mandatory training, registration or reregistration, to prescribe MS-2Step;
- Pharmacists are no longer required to be registered, to dispense MS-2Step;
- The PBS scripting process will be moved to Streamlined Authority (rather than an authority script);
- Nurse Practitioners and Endorsed Midwives may be able to prescribe MS-2Step with future legislative change.
Training for MS2-Step is still recommended, and is available free and online; find out more through the MS 2-Step website.
More detailed information is available on the MS Health website.
Professional support for you
Royal Women’s Hospital: Early Medical Abortion
This information is for medical practitioners interested in becoming EMA providers. Early medical abortion (EMA) refers to the administration of medications to end a pregnancy. EMA is a safe, effective and acceptable option for women. EMA can be provided in primary care settings, such as GP or community health clinics, with the appropriate support mechanisms in place.
Sexual & Reproductive Health Clinical Champion Network
The Royal Women’s Hospital Clinical Champion Network is a state-wide program that aims to improve access to safe and effective medical and surgical abortion and long acting contraception care by increasing training and capacity within outer metro, regional hospitals and primary healthcare.
Health Practitioner Resource Hub For Unintended Pregnancy And Abortion
A selection of key resources, tools and materials designed by the Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health (CERSH) to support clinicians working in the unintended pregnancy and abortion space, including free online learning modules.
Victorian Clinical Network for Abortion and Contraception Care
A clinical network of practitioners involved in the provision of abortion and contraception services in Victoria. The network facilitated by the Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health (CERSH) in partnership with the Royal Women’s Hospital assists in building the capacity of the rural sector to proactively develop and deliver a responsive and inclusive service system for women experiencing unintended pregnancy and abortion. d Contraception Care
Closed group for registered MTOP GP providers
Find guidance, information and support from fellow GPs providing MTOP in this private Facebook group.
The Australian Contraception and Abortion Primary Care Practitioner Support Network
A private online community for primary health care providers who are interested in increasing women’s access to long acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) and medical abortion. This Community of Practice is designed to help clinicians connect with peers and access expert knowledge and information.
Additional support for your patients
MS Health Nurse After-care Telephone Service (MSI clients only)
MS Health provides a phone support service, staffed by nurses specialising in the medication abortion process. This number is provided to patients: 1300 888 022.
Call 1300 60 60 24 from anywhere in Victoria for free health advice, 24 hours a day.
Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED)
Access emergency care from anywhere in Victoria, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Patients will be connected to doctors and nurse practitioners, who are trained to assist in non-life-threatening emergencies.
Local hospital emergency department
In the unlikely event of complications, patients can present to any hospital emergency department as if seeking treatment for a spontaneous miscarriage, vaginal bleeding or pain.